Community Action, Inc.
Primarily Serving Clarion and Jefferson Counties, Pennsylvania

Meeting Schedule

Meetings are normally held every other month; the public is welcome to attend. For specific meeting times or locations/online access contact: [email protected] or (814) 938-3302x221.

The Board and Committee meetings will be held in the conference room at the Brookville Borough Complex. If you would like to attend, please contact [email protected] to confirm times and seating availability.

Board of Directors

Director County
Mayor Richard J. Alexander Jefferson
Representative Joshua K. Bashline Clarion
Ms. Lori Brown Clarion
Mr. Granville E. Carter Jefferson
Ms. Sharon R. Corbett Jefferson
Ms. Cindy Depp-Hutchinson Jefferson
Senator Cris E. Dush Jefferson
Jennifer Fulmer Vinson Clarion
Joseph Glover Clarion
Ms. Katelyn Hendrickson Jefferson
Senator Scott E. Hutchinson Clarion
Ms. Pamela M. Johnson Clarion
Marlene V. Kennedy Jefferson
Commissioner Scott E. North Jefferson
Ms. Janine C. Strohm Jefferson
Ms. Renee M. Vowinckel Clarion
Commissioner Braxton White Clarion
Mr. Ronald J. Wilshire Clarion