Community Action, Inc.
Primarily Serving Clarion and Jefferson Counties, Pennsylvania

Emergency Shelter

Project Description

The emergency shelters offer a safe place to stay for homeless individuals and families, while they receive case management and search for permanent housing. Emergency shelters are available for men, women, and families. The emergency shelters are located in Jefferson County.  

What is Emergency Shelter?

  • Thirty days emergency shelter for those who meet eligibility requirements
  • Case management services
  • Assistance finding permanent, adequate housing
  • Assistance with applications for other services (such as welfare, training, employment, etc.)
  • Referrals given

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be a resident of Clarion or Jefferson Counties
  • Housing Status: Homeless

Serving the following counties:
Clarion, Jefferson

Contact Information
Cheryl Craft
Homeless Services Coordinator
[email protected]
(814) 938-3302 Ext. 215

After hours
(814) 938-3580