Reaching adulthood does not mean learning stops.
Knowing there are always skills adults can brush up on, Community Action, Inc. (CAI) offers adult education classes in DuBois and several sites in Jefferson County. The classes help people with job skills, basic learning skills, GED preparations, and even with enrolling in postsecondary education. Students do not need to be residents of Jefferson County.
Crystal White, CAI Adult Education Supervisor, Amber Siar and Molly Dressler, Adult Education Instructors, shared details on CAI’s adult education offerings.
“We provide basic skills instruction for students who want to obtain a high school equivalency diploma or for students who have a diploma but want to brush up on basic skills to obtain a job, advance in a job, or attend postsecondary education or training,” stated White. “We are more than just a ‘GED program.’”
What else does CAI’s adult education program offer?
White continued, “Other services provided include career services such as assessment of skill levels and career interests; referrals to and coordination of support services and programs to overcome barriers to education and employment; and information on postsecondary education, training, and workforce services.”
“If a high school diploma is needed, preparation for the GED exam is done with the help of the adult education instructor. Online options are available.” Explained White. She noted through the GED program, students earn a Commonwealth Secondary School Diploma – also known as the high school equivalency diploma. The adult education staff works with school districts to encourage students to continue high school classes and graduate. For students who decided to leave high school, enrolling in adult education programs will help them to stay on course to completing their schooling and finding meaningful employment.
Once people have their diploma, some may find they need help determining what to do next.
“We help students recognize the diploma is a steppingstone, not the end goal,” Siar stated. “In fact, the adult education staff have many tools to help students on their path to gainful employment such as preparation for job training, postsecondary education or training, as well as specific employer requirements.”
“Local businesses sometimes require certain grade levels to apply for job openings,” Dressler added. “Our programs assist with getting participants to those necessary levels for job qualification.”
For people with limited finances, CAI offers an achievable way to polish skills, complete a High School Equivalency Diploma or determine and prepare for post-secondary.
“These programs are free of charge to anyone 16 and older, not currently enrolled in a secondary school program,” Siar stated. “The purpose of the program is to help individuals meet their education and employment goals, regardless of your age.”
Having access to such programs can mean a world of difference for local jobseekers.
“One of the greatest barriers to employment is lack of a high school diploma,” Dressler explained. “Of the 18-24 year olds in Jefferson County, 18.3 percent lack a high school diploma and 11 percent of those 25 and older lack a high school diploma.” Siar added, “In addition, over 13 percent of adults in the area are considered basic skills deficient. Basic skills instruction offered by the adult education program, combined with services available through other community partners, assist adults in obtaining the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and economic self-sufficiency.”
With services offered across the county, people can find classes at the location nearest to them.
Dressler continued, “Day and evening classes are held in DuBois, Brookville, Reynoldsville, and Punxsutawney. Education and employment are the common goals of all the classes.”
“We are also looking for volunteer tutors and classroom aides,” White added. “These volunteers help one-on-one either during class or at another scheduled time. All volunteers receive ongoing training, materials, and guidance from adult education staff.”
Sign up for Community Action, Inc. adult education classes by calling Crystal at 814-938-3302 ext. 204 or 1-800-648-3381 or by emailing: